Whole goose
Thaw frozen birds approximately 2-3 days before cooking
1. Remove giblets and stock parts from inside cavity.
​2. Liberally rub down the thawed bird with salt, inside and out, leave in fridge uncovered.
3. Preheat oven to 350 F and wipe off any excess liquid/salt from the bird.
4. **With a knife, mark small pricks or cuts on the skin of the bird to help render off the glorious fat and get the skin crispy.
5. Place the bird on an elevated rack inside of a roasting pan, with the breast side down. The rack will help catch the rendered fat (remove throughout cooking to save).
6. Pour a cup of water into the bottom of the roasting pan and cook for around 15 mins per pound unstuffed, 20 mins per pound stuffed.
7. Halfway through cooking, turn the bird over, so it is breast side up.
Finish cooking and crisping up the skin.
8. Use thermometer to check when done.
165 F thigh temp
9. Let rest for 20 mins, carve and serve!
Recipe for roasting a whole goose
Save the carcass!
After you've enjoyed your roasted goose, save the carcass to make bone broth stock.
Place carcass in a pot or crock pot, cover with water, add a splash of vinegar, cook for a few hours (up to 2 days) and then strain broth into jars. ​