Death begets life, so it goes. We strive to honor the cycles of life rather than fight the natural order, while constantly regenerating soil to take care of those who inhabit this place.
We aim to work with our land base to create vibrantly healthy flora and fauna that leaves a positive impact on the land. Placing animals in their preferred environments provides a space for them to display their innate behaviors and helps us manage the farm ecosystem. We put health and happiness as our top priorities for all of the species that we work with.
Farming for over a decade, we worked on our first organic vegetable farm together in 2011. Our love for farming, food and the natural world grew throughout the years as we both worked on a variety of organic farms, within conservation nonprofits and at food hubs. We both graduated university with Biology related degrees.
Matt is the kitchen wizard, crafting up all kinds of local fare. He spends his free time reading about silvopasture and canoeing in wetlands (to see more ducks). Shannon is the resident animal whisperer, studying up on wild and domestic critters. When she's not on the farm, she's wearing her Massage Therapy at as Flora Bodywork.